Adblue emulator 8 in 1 with NOX sensor – is used to emulate the Adblue system with NOX sensor on trucks in cases where the standard one is out of order and its repair or replacement requires large financial costs. Compatible with DAF, Iveco, MAN, Mercedes Benz, Renault, Scania, Volvo vehicles. The Adblue urea emulator connected according to the instructions does not cause any negative effects in the operation of the truck’s systems, and also does not reduce power and does not show errors on the dashboard. Completely blocks the intake of urea. This Adblue device fully emulates the SCR system and its signals, making vehicle diagnostics seamless. In addition, after installing this emulator, you will no longer need to spend money on maintaining the SCR system, which will significantly save your money!
The device is made in a plastic case, connection to the system is carried out via several wires. Using the supplied usb cable and the corresponding easy-to-use Adblue software, the 8 in 1 emulator is configured for a specific car brand.